Shamanic Healing Sessions

A shamanic healing is a ceremony that restores innate wellbeing. With the guidance of healing spirits, I journey to discover what root-level healing is needed. I offer three kinds of sessions—retrievals, psychopomp ceremonies, and divinations. I describe these sessions below and offer some general information about this work. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions.



Retrieval healing sessions involve returning parts of your essential life force that were lost to you as you lived through times of duress or experienced trauma. As you reintegrate these aspects of yourself, your original blueprint for vitality and authenticity is restored.

In a healing session, I will begin by asking you about your intentions and need for healing. Often we feel intuitively that we need shamanic healing, but are not certain why. If this is the case for you, please book a session—our instincts are almost always correct when we feel this readiness. You might simply feel that something essential is missing from your energy or life.

The primary form of healing that I practice is soul retrieval. Soul parts can split off from us to allow us to survive situations in which it is impossible for us to be safe in our wholeness. Soul parts can also leave during a shock, such as a car accident, or an acute trauma such as an assault. In the shamanic understanding of trauma, actual pieces of our essential life force energy will splinter off and seek safety hidden in the spirit world. Our lost soul parts are, by definition, hiding from us, so we require the assistance of a practitioner to track them, offer them healing, and bring them back to our body.

A second form of healing that is often indicated along with soul retrieval is power retrieval. We can lose aspects of our power or gifts. Some examples of powers I have retrieved are a singer’s “pipes”—her love and gift for song that she lost during the shock and isolation of the pandemic—and a writer’s power for sacred expression, lost from a lack of support in his youth. (I am delighted that her album and his book are now out.)

Third, we can sometimes lose an aspect of our energy body. Our energetic self is made up of several essential components that determine the baseline for how we feel in our bodies and in the world. If you sense that you are missing your capacity to connect to the benevolent universe, the loving Earth, to your own innermost heart, or to your boundaries, it can sometimes be that you jettisoned part of your energy body in order to survive at some point.

Fourth, we can sometimes lose the energetic aspect of a physical body part. In the shamanic worldview, we understand that each organ in the body has a physical and spiritual dimension. When something traumatic happens to an organ on the physical level, the spiritual aspect of that organ may leave the body. Without this component of the body part with you, there can be an opening for illness to set in, or simply a difficulty inhabiting a part of your body.

Finally, we can lose connection to our spirit guides. For those who are sensitive to the spiritual dimension, receiving a retrieval of a guide can restore a sense of safety and connection.

In these sessions, I nearly always have time for multiple retrievals. I will consult with my helping spirits and do all of the retrieval work that you can integrate well. There are often pieces of divination offered as part of retrievals as well.

Healing journey sessions are live journey sessions done by phone, Zoom, or in person on San Juan Island. If you prefer, I can journey without you on the phone/Zoom, and send you the recording. For these sessions I ask for a base energy exchange of $300. Healing sessions are a unique ceremony tailored to each client that require ceremonial preparation and follow-up. With your healing is included a 20-30 minute follow-up call, scheduled about 2-3 weeks after your healing that will allow me to support you in fully integrating your soul parts and any other parts that were retrieved. I also provide a handout that guides integration.


Psychopomp Ceremony

According to the worldview I have been trained in, the passage of death involves a distinct crossing over from this world of the living into a specific realm of the spirit world where a soul processes their life’s learning and prepares for the next stage of their journey. When a person dies, often they are burdened in ways that keep them from making this crossing. Our profoundly unhealthy culture leaves many people with unprocessed emotions, wounding, and regrets. In a psychopomp journey, I can bring needed spirit help to this soul, and escort them across the threshold. If someone in your life has died, I can complete this ceremony any time after about 2-3 weeks after their death, and support them in their process as a soul.

Psychopomp journey sessions are live journey sessions done by phone, Zoom, or in person on San Juan Island. If you prefer, I can journey without you on the phone/Zoom, and send you the recording. For these sessions I ask for a base energy exchange of $250. These sessions do not include a follow-up call (though I’m happy to book this with you separately).


Divination Sessions

In a divination session I enter the journey ceremony to bring back information for you. Perhaps you would like guidance about an important decision, a creative project, or how to align your life with your values. Perhaps you would like an energetic read on what is going on below the surface of a physical issue or relationship challenge.

Divination journey sessions are live journey sessions done by phone, Zoom, or in person on San Juan Island. If you prefer, I can journey without you on the phone/Zoom, and send you the recording. For these sessions I ask for a base energy exchange of $150. These sessions are somewhat shorter than healing sessions, and do not include a follow-up call (though I’m happy to book this with you separately).

If you are working on a long-term creative project, it can be powerful to receive regular divination sessions. I can retrieve information for you to ease and empower your endeavor. For instance, journeys could reveal: The recommended mini-ceremony to create a strong container every time you sit down to work, who the spirit guides are who are invested in your project and how to be in conscious relationship with them, what lies at the root of any blocks and how to address them, strategic guidance for when to share your work and with whom, and how to honor the cycles of your creative work with ceremony that replenish you throughout the process. If you would like a package of four divination sessions, each one is $125. If your creative project has a collective healing and justice focus, each session is $100.


Healing Session GENERAL Information

Energy exchange

In shamanic healing we inhabit the energetic world and follow its laws. One of these is that we are freely and unconditionally given life, compassion, teaching, and healing from the Spirit World. Another aspect of working with Spirit is that exchange and relationship matter. There is great value in expressing our gratitude and in taking the time to let our hearts be moved by the gifts we are given. In the case of shamanic healing, we are given the gift of healing that we cannot do for ourselves; only through Spirit intervention can I retrieve soul parts, gather wisdom, and escort departed souls home.

To do this healing work with my guides, I need to come to each session prepared for and open to complete the healing that is best for the client at the time. I ask for two agreements from you. First, please make an offering to the land where you live after your session.

Also, please consider what payment amount represents, for you, a real exchange. The amounts given here are the base amounts that I ask for given my use of time and energy. The exchange of energy for a healing varies based on what each of us has to offer and what constitutes a meaningful act of generosity and gratitude. If the base amount is, for you, something you would spend without really having to think about it, please offer more. Usually, when we feel into this question of “What do I need to offer in order to honor this work by Spirit?” an amount will come in intuitively. Your sacrifice is part of what drives the healing and brings flow and depth to the journey, so I am very grateful for you taking time with this question.

Payment Plans

I offer no-cost payment plans for all of my healing work. You are welcome to divide up the cost of your session into monthly payments of $100 or $50. In my worldview, shamanic healing is an essential form of health care to which every interested person should have access. Please see my payment plan page here to pay for a healing in installments with PayPal. If payment plans still do not make healing accessible to you, please contact me.

Follow-Up Support

After a retrieval session, you will be able to schedule a time for a follow-up call that works for you. In this conversation you can ask any questions and I can check in with you to support your integration. If you would like to have additional follow-up support calls, you can schedule those here any time. If you would like to schedule a call after your divination or psychopomp session, please do so anytime here as well.

Integration is an essential part of the healing process. On your own time, you will practice having an inner dialogue with your retrieved parts to learn about their needs and their desires for expression in your life. Over the months following your retrieval, your parts will completely integrate, they will no longer be distinct energies, and their creative power will be available for you to use freely in your life to live your purpose.

Asynchronous Healing Sessions

If you would prefer not to have a live session, I can journey on my own time, complete your healing, and send you the recording as a downloadable file. If you prefer this option, please book an initial consultation here so we can discuss your intentions for the session.

Ancestors and the Unresolved Dead

The difference between the unresolved dead and Ancestral guides is that true, well, luminous Ancestors have crossed the threshold successfully, reconciled their lives, then joined with the Oneness. They are then are able to return to the realm of the living carrying the wisdom of the Cosmos with them. They serve as true guides and advocates who know what it is to live well in a human body. If we go back far enough, all of us have well Ancestors we can call on for support and protection. However, connecting with these guides is often hampered by the heavy energy of the unresolved dead. If you feel your ancestors are burdening you energetically, or in a parasitic relationship with you, this is not inevitable. People in this situation can experience significant relief from shamanic healing.

The Shamanic Journey Technique

In the shamanic journey I am guided by spirit beings who I have been in relationship with for nearly two decades. As I move through the spirit world receiving information in response to your question, or locating parts that need retrieval, I am moving through the invisible world—the energetic/spiritual dimension that underlies all physical reality. I will be listening to a drum beat recording as I journey and I will be narrating everything I experience. I will send you a downloadable recording after all sessions.

Learning to Journey

If you notice you have an interest in this work and would like to learn to journey for your own guidance, I highly recommend you follow that instinct! The shamanic journey is a life-changing skill set that initiates us into a life co-led with Spirit. I teach introductory and intermediate classes online and in person, and there are in-person classes taught around the world. While healing skills take time to develop, anyone can learn to journey for guidance.

Further Resources on Soul Retrieval

Sandra Ingerman’s article on soul retrieval may be useful if you would like to know more about this kind of healing. If you are interested in further background, her book is a good place to start.