
About Jane

Jane is a teacher, writer and shamanic healing practitioner. She is committed to nurturing in-depth collaboration with spirit and with other people to create life-giving cultures and practices in communities, organizations, and educational institutions. She teaches shamanic skills from a belief that the inner work toward freedom and discernment enables empowered and effective outer work toward justice, equity, and sustainability.  

Jane’s search for community based on critical reflection and wise action led her to pursue higher education--from Harvard’s honors track in American History, to a Master’s degree in Education, and a PhD in public affairs and policy. Her desire to collaborate with others toward shared visions led her to community development work through the Peace Corps in rural Paraguay, to teaching public school in New York City, and to working with the Rights of Nature movement in Portland. As she encountered the challenges of acting from shared vision and love through the course of this work, she developed spiritual skills in meditation, yoga, transformational kinesiology, emotional clearing, and shamanism. 

Over the past decade, shamanism has been her primary spiritual focus as it has given her access to healing, connection, and creativity beyond what she imagined possible. Jane sees the profound potential of shamanic skills--practiced with depth and rigor--to inform collective decision making about policies and practices in multiple sectors, including the environment and education. Her intention in teaching is to share skills that help us transform destructive patterns at their root, and thus bring the gifts of our souls into the world.

Formerly a senior teacher at the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Jane teaches journey workshops and practices shamanic healing. In addition to her training in Andean shamanism (with Katherine Dougherty and Adolfo Tito Condori) and with the Last Mask Center (with Christina Pratt), Jane brings six years of experience teaching classes in civic leadership and sustainability education at Portland State University, and well as her research and writing on how to teach holistic civic engagement.


Contact Jane