Nine-month Small Group Mentorship


Learn experientially what this Life has to gift to you, and what you are here to gift the world

New cohort starts January 2025


I offer a nine-month mentoring program born out of the requests from a few folks who are wanting a combination of skill-building, individualized support, and group-based curriculum. Here are some key attributes of the program.

  • The curriculum is live and responsive. When we gather at the outset of each season, we will ceremonially pull in the focus topics and questions that are to the highest benefit of the group and members.

  • The core organizing principle of the mentorship is self-knowledge. I anticipate everyone will be able to articulate, come June, some of the most fundamental soul gifts they are here to sing into expression, and the gifts they carry from their four ancestral lines.

  • This is small and live, and geared toward participants who want to weave a trusting, adventurous, kind and celebratory circle. I’m intending to journey for individualized messages and readings for each person, while we are also engaging the shared curriculum.

  • We’ll organize ourselves on a seasonal flow. I expect the Fall theme is Healing, the Winter theme is Medicine, and the Spring theme is Creation/Expression.

  • This is less about shamanic practices like healing and ritual, and more about finding intimacy with the You who knows when you need ritual, trusting inner communication with the You who knows your healing path, and building confident, empowered autonomy to know what you need, when, and how. This program will be low on prescription and high on inner truth telling.

If this is calling to you, the first step will be a phone conversation so we can open some sacred space and feel into the resonance for you. I’d like everyone to have an intro journey workshop going into the program.

The next cohort begins October 2024. Please express your interest anytime from July 10th to September 10th, 2024.

Life is Gift Mentoring Program

First and foremost, this is a mentoring program, not an online class. All of the material we engage with will be determined by a combination of input from participants, input from my Teaching Spirit Guides, and my experience as an educator.

This program comes out of an ethos that learning and wisdom are generated within our system (meaning our body, heart, mind, spirit system) not only through reading spiritual texts, but through direct insight from Self and Spirit, through reflection and meaning-making out of our experience, and through the generation of wisdom by a group engaged intentionally to bring it through.

The components of the Mentorship will likely be:


I would like everyone to finish the program able to put words to their soul’s gifts. We have several aids in this:

  • Learning directly from your wise and luminous ancestors what medicine runs through each of your four lines. This medicine is your birthright and legacy to claim.

  • Your astrological birth chart. Everyone will schedule time with a gifted astrologer to learn specifically about the mission, desires, assets, and intended learning your soul incarnated with.

  • Your Chiron placement in your birth chart. This particular component of the birth chart is a gold mine for understanding your core wound and the profound medicine you make by transmuting it. We will collaborate with an astrologer who specializes here.

  • A map-making exercise in which you will chart key moments of deep engagement/passion, and moments of heartbreak. We will look deeply at each person’s map in a special group session to feel into what their life has taught them thus far about the nature of their soul.

Group Engagement

It is important that everyone who shows up for the Mentorship be genuinely curious about others’ processes and gifts, and willing to learn from others and with others. A group with mutual care and shared intention gives exponential power to everyone’s healing and self-understanding. This will bring up vulnerability, and we need to want to work with it. Group components will likely include:

  • Group wisdom generation--allowing through insights that build group understanding of a particular topic at hand

  • Offering of blessings to each other based on individuals’ intentions (we will learn how to do this)

  • Partnering to discuss texts, explore felt sense intuitions, and shared interests

  • Deep listening, Clearness Committees, asking open and honest questions in support of others’ self understanding and connection to their own inner teacher.

Skills Training

There are a few skills I will share directly based on participants’ requests and interest. These may include:

  • The basic shamanic drum journey, life navigation with the shamanic journey, and divination with the shamanic journey for self and others

  • Andean nature connection meditation for healing

  • Basic intuitive abilities (reading energies, managing energies, choosing energies to call into your day, self-healing/self-blessing, manifesting with the body as altar.)

  • Dream interpretation that yields usable intel from the soul

  • Evolutionary astrology (with guest teacher)

  • Navigating life as a sensitive

  • Muscle testing for inner clarity and release of core limiting beliefs

  • Co-designing effective ceremony with Spirit

  • Working with helping spirits with autonomy, delight, and appreciation

  • Phrasing and formulating intentions

What I most want to gift you is a stance and worldview. This includes the felt experiential knowingness of:

  • My life is a gift. I came here on purpose and I trust my choice.

  • I am a beloved facet of the Oneness. At any moment, no matter what, I can open to Spirit for guidance and healing. I know what trustworthy communication with Self and Spirit feels like.

  • In all moments of suffering, I have access to compassion and kindness for the inner parts experiencing it.

  • I have the capacity to fully give my love to this world and to know the joy of this.

  • I live peacefully inside the paradox that I am complete and whole now, and I am always changing and healing.

  • I am the authority on me. Any teacher, guide or mentor is my spiritual equal. I am the sovereign leader of my life and healing.

Textual engagement

I would like to connect you to the authors and teachings that I feel offer profound frameworks, practices, and knowledge. These include reading along the following themes:

  • Communication with Self: e.g. Richard Schwartz, Karla McLaren, Amisha Ghadiali

  • Communication with Spirit: e.g. Sally Kempton, Sandra Ingerman, Jack Kornfield

  • Radical Self Love and Acceptance: e.g. Suzanne Eder

  • Ancestral Medicine: e.g. Daniel Foor

  • Heart Engagement in Our Time of Endings and Beginnings: e.g. Oren Jay Sofer

  • Life Navigation: e.g. Pope & Wurlitzer, Martha Beck

  • Witchiness and Manifestation: e.g. adrienne maree brown, Barbara Sher

  • Sacred Relationship: e.g. Richard Schwartz, Patricia Albere

**Most importantly, each participant will select books that help address the burning questions they are working through in the Mentorship.


Each three-month season will begin with a meeting to pull in additional curricular intentions from the individuals and group. In any season, each individual will likely be pursuing a particular focus they are drawn to, along with the texts and sessions we do as a group. There will be three 3-month seasons to the Mentorship--Fall, Winter and Spring. Summer will be off. We will make a mutually agreeable plan for timing and frequency of meetings.

Additional Notes
You’ll notice this is not a shamanic skills training program with a focus on journeying, ritual, spirit guide practice and personal transformation. There are no shamanic healings built into this program, nor transformative rituals, nor cosmology. This is more focused on who we already are and how we communicate with our essential self that is already whole.

Payment is on a sliding scale of $135- $200 per month. One-to-one mentoring is available in addition to the group work as desired. I can offer a reduced rate for this for program participants.

If You’re Interested

Please drop me a line so we can have an initial call and talk it through. I will answer your questions, ask what is drawing you to mentorship, and then we’ll journey together to ask how joining the cohort would serve your soul.