Shamanic Meditations

 Freely-offered 45-minute guided meditation to connect to yourself, the Spirit World, and human community. To join live, subscribe to my email list. All recordings are below.

These meditations are built upon the foundational practice I learned from my Andean shamanic teacher. In this form of meditation, mindful presence is only the first step. Into this presence we invite the direct contact from the sacred world—the Earth herself, the spirits of the land, the Elements, the nature beings. Each week I will guide us into one aspect of this connection.

What I’m calling shamanic meditation creates a container for a felt sense of our relationship with the sacred, alive, intelligent, coherent world. The Andean practice teaches that in this direct contact with the energies of the spirit world, there is teaching, healing, and authentic gratitude. Join us and feel: What are the sensations of contact with the spirit world in your body? What comes if you hold a gentle focus on this contact?

This practice is training for walking through the world trusting your connection to Spirit moment to moment—because you feel it. In feeling our connection, we can take action more and more regularly from the baseline truth of interconnection.

