Photo by Katie Teague ©2024


Planetary Guides & Ritual Support
for Transitional Times:

Claiming the Medicine in the Chart


A nine-month course for Agents of Evolution

Live online, participatory and experiential

October 2024 - June 2025



Through a combination of simple rituals and guided shamanic journeys, each participant will make contact with the nine planetary guides in their birthchart. The outcome of this initiatory experience will be each participant's full awareness of and collaboration with their own "medicine," or the unique strengths and gifts they have to offer the world. By the end of the nine months, each participant will be empowered to work with the Earth and with their own planetary guides directly.

This will be a great opportunity to come together during these historic times to build the inner capacity necessary to show up in service for the evolution of the collective. We hope you'll join us in doing the inner work of Agents of Evolution in this engaging and radically transformative way!

It is time to listen to the planets

This course is based on the ancient worldview that the planets not only influence our human experience, but are animate beings with their own life force, teachings, and medicine. It is this world in which we make ourselves at home in this class. We tour the solar system, spending an intimate month with each planet, in order to return home, knowing ourselves more deeply. In each stop on our tour, we engage with mind, body and spirit—understanding, sensing and claiming the abundant gifts that the planets-as-being offer.

Each birth chart is a map of medicine. The planets are with each of us, their quality shaped by the placement in the chart, but with us giving their unique gifts. Developing intimate relationships with them, we learn about the gifts we carry. Listening to them, we learn how to walk through life using those gifts.

Agents of Evolution are those who live on their evolutionary edge in service of collective healing. An aspect of this is growing into the medicine in our birth charts, claiming and embodying it, and healing the fears that would limit this. We honor and treasure the astrologers who help us see the potential in our charts. And, we believe it is not just on their shoulders. If the planets could talk, what would they whisper, just to you, about love and courage and healing and passion?

As the human guides of this program, we experience that the planets can and do talk. And we believe the skill of conversing with them can be learned by most people. Perhaps most importantly, we experience that the planets have evolutionary messages for us, that they desire our evolution, and that collective healing can come from acting on their guidance.

The two of us have been in dialogue with the planets. Now we would like to open this conversation to a learning community who wishes to gain the skills of planetary communication, step into the adventure of living in the chart as animate field of medicine, and listen together like an alert flock of swifts for guidance in these transitional times.

Join us for a venture into the solar system; then come home for your love of Mother Earth.


Source: NASA


This course includes:

  • Nine 90-minute experiential main sessions, monthly via Zoom. Classes are recorded.

  • Eight 90-minute Lab sessions, monthly from November to June, where you can practice using your new skills, learn the techniques of connecting to Planetary Guides, and get all your questions addressed. These will be held Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Labs are recorded.

  • A 60-minute session with Marga so she can lay out your Vedic birth chart. You will receive a link to schedule directly for a session in October, November or December.

  • Fifteen percent off of individual astrology sessions with Marga or shamanic healing sessions with Jane during the nine months of the program. We are also available for one-on-one mentoring or troubleshooting sessions so you can stay engaged through challenges.

  • Downloadable recordings guiding you through the steps to connect to each Planetary Guide.

  • Sharing/transmission of the Vedic lineage’s mantras used to connect to each Planet.

  • Instruction in how to hold simple rituals for connection and healing.

  • A suggested program each month for charting your evolution with the unique input of each Planetary Guide.


This is for you if:

  • You love your study of astrology and want to take it from theoretical learning to active practice in service of being an Agent of Evolution.

  • You are inspired by your astrology readings but leave the sessions thinking “Now what?”

  • You want to make direct and safe contact with powerful allies who support your decision making, help you discern doable steps toward your goals, and impart strength as you move forward.

  • You are aware that addressing our current crises requires us to think from a different consciousness, and you would like to ground and resource yourself in that consciousness.

  • You have been seeking your soul’s purpose and would like to orient away from searching and toward resting in/claiming your innate gifts.

  • It has been hard to access your gifts and you want to lean on your birth chart and the Planetary Guides to help you discern what they are.

  • You have never found much meaning in basic horoscopes, but sense there is more to astrology, and you want to meaningfully engage with this ancient technique of communication with the cosmos.

  • You would like personalized guidance and time to ask your questions as they arise.

  • You would like to be part of a cohort of committed allies who strengthen you and support your sense of your true gifts.

Course Structure

Main Sessions — One Friday a month

Each month this session initiates our relationship with a new Planetary Guide. Marga will share the teachings about each planet that has come through her lineage of Vedic Astrology. We will learn about the planets’ qualities, their lore, their role in the Solar System and in our personal body-heart-mind-spirit system. We will then shift our awareness, create a gentle sacred space, and meet each Planetary Guide in a guided drum visualization led by Jane. The Planets will offer us direct teaching about their essence, and what they would like to teach us. This practice activates your direct relationship, which you will then develop over the course of the month. To do this, you can use the mantras, simple rituals, and recorded meditations we offer. You can also follow your instincts and guidance

LABS — One Thursday a month between the main sessions

If the key purpose of the main session is instigation, the purpose of the Labs is integration. We will address how to use the guidance we are given from the Planets with gentle embodied clarity. We practice claiming and processing the wisdom we are each being given by the Planetary Guides. We will learn together, with an emphasis on self-kindness, and with time for practice and questions:

  • What it feels like when your body registers guidance and information as trustworthy or true for you. We will learn to attune to gut knowing, heart knowing, and mind knowing and what it feels like for you specifically when all three of these ways of knowing are in agreement.

  • How to work with doubt or blocks that may come up when you work with visualization and non-cognitive sensing.

  • How to heal inner resistance that may arise in response to increased clarity about your personal planetary medicine.

  • What it can feel like to bring heartfelt honor and reverence in relating with Guides, while also honoring your worthiness to receive guidance and blessing.

  • Simple practices for creating more spiritual connectedness in your daily life.

On Your own time, in your own way each month

The program is designed to bring you significant benefit just by showing up (live or via recording) for the main session and the Lab. We do, however, feel this benefit expands when you invite the course exploration into your daily life. At its heart, the course is initiatory. We are ceremonially opening to a new level of relatedness to the Planetary Guides. This relatedness is then yours to live. Dialoguing with the Planets can occur in countless ways. We will share all we can to help you find integrity, clarity and groundedness in these new relationships. Together, we will all learn what this connection can look like. We will invite you to try things out and report back. How is it for you to try these practices?:

  • Make art that holds the essence of what a Planetary Guide is showing you about your path, your gifts, your healing. Offer your art to the planets as you are moved.

  • Pick a song and dance with a Planet as your partner. Or dance out your frustration or blocks to feeling a Planet’s gifts come into your life.

  • Reach out in meditation for a felt sense of connection to a Planet, or for a direct transmission from a Planetary Guide (each month will include a recorded meditation which you can use).

  • Consult an astrological calendar, and sense into the messages from conjunctions, squares, trines and such before reading an astrologer’s take. Keep notes of what you learn as your own almanac.

  • Write yourself intention statements related to what lessons you are integrating from your Planetary messages each month.

  • Write letters to the Planets, and let them write back.

  • Walk in the same place in nature each month to ceremonially connect to the planet teachers through your Earth connection.

Together, we are holding the intention that you receive healing and guidance through connecting to the Planets, and live that guidance to create benefit for yourself and your world.

A one-on-one with Marga

Included with your tuition is a one-hour birth chart reading with Marga. In this session Marga will orient you to each of your nine placements. You will learn the Vedic sign, house and lunar sign where each Planet sits, and you will learn about the key aspect patterns that impact these placements. The intent of the reading is for Marga to make the formal introduction to each Planet as it uniquely sits for you. Then the course practices will help you develop these relationships, make them your own, and go as deep as you wish to go. For those who know all their Vedic placements already, you can use your session to learn about the transits ahead for you, or focus on a specific area of your life.

Final Integrative creation

Come May we will have met all nine Planetary Guides, spent time integrating their messages, and ceremonially claimed the medicine of each placement in your birth chart. At this point we will invite you to create an integrative piece that holds the insights and healing from the course. We will discuss this fully when the time comes. This piece will likely be creative, for instance a short collection of poems, a painting, a creative essay, a selection of photos. It can also be a straightforward piece of writing that summarizes your learning. The format should serve the function: We want you to leave the course able to describe, from experience and in your own words, the gifts you carry from each of your Planetary placements.


Saturn courtesy of NASA


Program Sequence

October-November Mercury

Main Session: October 25

Lab: November 7

What medicine can be claimed by each of us for communicating about evolution? What new consciousness are we ready to embody now? How can Mercury support our communication with the Planetary Guides throughout the course?

November-December — Jupiter

Main Session: November 22

Lab: December 5

What qualities does your innate wisdom have and how can you affirm and tend your unique way of conveying that wisdom? What wisdom is your soul longing to share in this life? Where is there room to claim more benevolence toward self and world? What would Jupiter ask us to heal in ourselves so that we can teach and lead in the world?

December-January — Saturn

Main Session: December 20

Lab: January 2

Where would constraint and boundaries serve us in living our purpose? Where can we heal our inner archetypal authority figure and learn the habit of no-BS self-encouragement? What do we instinctively devote ourselves to, no matter how long it takes, and what does this say about what we are here to serve in this life?

January-February — Moon

Main Session: January 24

Lab: February 6

What do we know in our depths about our soul that we are ready to allow to the surface to be claimed? What do we hold tenderly in our depths and what message does this have about our essence? Where are we carrying soul memories that need healing?

In what ways can we bring a cyclical approach to our lives for more rest and inspiration? What might a soul-honoring culture look like?

February-March — Ketu & Rahu

Main Session: February 21

Lab: March 6

What are we done with in this life and can simply let go of? What power comes in as we let go? What mastery did our soul come in with that we can simply claim?

How can we heal our relationship with desire and trust our desires to guide us to soul fulfillment? What is the true nature of our authentic passion and drive and how do we recognize it in the body? What is the felt quality of our unique evolutionary desire?

March-April — Mars

Main Session: March 28

Lab: April 10

What does authentic warriorship look like for each of us—an empowered and conscious engagement that serves life fiercely? What can we heal in ourselves to bring this kind of warriorship to Earth in service of the collective? Where in your life do you feel inspired to stand strong and actively engage?

April-May — Venus

Main Session: April 25

Lab: May 8

What do you innately and passionately love and what does this teach you about your purpose? What do you cherish, value and stand for in this life? What superpowers live in your care?

What does it mean for you to truly practice self-love? Where is love trying to get in and find you and your relationships? How is love a strategy for planning our individual and communal lives?

May- June — Sun

Main Session: May 23

Lab: June 5

Who do you get to radiate as in this life? In your relaxed true nature, how do you innately shine? What medicine emanates from you when you surrender to your nature? How can you embrace your innate style of leadership?

June — Earth: ceremonial claiming of medicine & Celebration

Main Session: June 13

No Lab this month

Integrating everything you’ve learned in the course: Who do you get to be in this life, because of how Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ketu, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon and the Sun uniquely express their archetypal medicine through you? What practices have you found to work for you in relating authentically with the Planetary Beings that will be with you for your lifetime?

How can your learning be expressed creatively so that your cohort can witness and receive YOU?



We want anyone who feels a call and commitment to this course to be able to join us. We have three options for the cost.

  • Tuition: $120 a month, or $1,080 for the nine-month program.

  • Accessible/Scholarship rate: $85 a month, or $765 for the program.

  • Supporter/Gift rate for those moved to generously enable the accessible option: $150 a month, or $1,350 for the program.


Jupiter by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope


Claim the medicine in your chart

A shamanic worldview indicates that each of us carries unique gifts in our soul. Part of our life journey is to uncover, claim, and use these gifts in the world. In addition, claiming our medicine also involves digesting our biggest struggles and sharing what we have learned with others. It is an act of power to fully embody our unique medicine.

It can be daunting to process the question “What is mine to do?” Yet this question is key for our sense of meaning, integrity and peace.

There are many spiritual paths to help us address this central question. We as your human guides have walked a number of them. There is so much benefit to be had from many of these paths.

The birth chart—as a map of our soul’s plan for this lifetime—is a powerful tool in our journey to claim our medicine. It is this path of discovery that we want to open through this course.

The Planet Beings embody archetypes that each of us carries in our soul. They embody medicine such as compassionate embrace of what is, fierce showing up for what matters, speaking the truth to self and others, absolute adherence to integrity, devotional surrender, deeply felt intimacy and belonging, expansive peace. Healing, leading, engaging, educating—all of the archetypal expressions we need more of here on earth—are abundantly alive in the Planet Beings.

These qualities are in the Planets. The Planets are in you. You are a sacred container through which their archetypal medicine flows. When you show up with your love and humor and your unique personality, you are in collaboration with the Planets. Their signature blends with yours to make something new and needed. This is medicine.

If you want to understand more about your medicine, the planets are here to guide you. What exactly is the alchemical magic made when the planets’ essence moves through your unique being? What is the quality of each planet in your chart, not just based on astrological wisdom, but based on your own felt sense and your own direct relationships?

Each month we have time to develop one new relationship. Claiming your medicine happens through asking:

  1. Who is this Planet Being to you? How do you experience them with your own sensing? What gifts do they bring to the world just by being who they are?

  2. What are the gifts of this planet that express particularly in you? What is the unique quality of medicine that is radiant in you as this planet’s light refracts through your specific self?

  3. What does this Planet Being want you to know now about living your unique medicine? What is the Being’s perspective on how you can walk your path of medicine?

  4. What would this Planet Being have us, the learning community engaged with this course, know at this time? What will it transmit into the collective we create?

Each of us has a birth chart; each of us carries medicine. There is really no need to wonder if you do or don’t embody divine planetary magic. Let’s focus on the fun part: learning how to allow it to move through us.


Venus by NASA


About Marga

As a counseling astrologer for over twenty years, Marga Laube has supported thousands of people across the threshold of their transformation. Assisting individuals and communities through their evolution is her life’s calling, and also the subject of her book, Agents of Evolution: An Astrological Guide for Transformative Times, published in 2021.

Marga’s orientation to service was first formed by the deeply spiritual, Christian household in which she was raised, by a father from Germany and a mother from South India. She has practiced an ancient system of nondual, Kashmir Shaivite philosophy since 1992, and served on staff at a Hindu monastery for two years. She spent over twelve years steeped in Advaita Vedanta with nondual teacher, Adyashanti, and has also been a student of Buddhist teachings. She apprenticed with her Vedic Astrology mentor, James Kelleher, for four years in the early 2000's, and holds advanced certifications with the Council of Vedic Astrology. 

Marga lives with her partner in Miami, FL, maintaining a contemplative lifestyle and listening to the natural world in a land strongly affected by the climate crisis. In recent years she has been called to work with individuals and communities experiencing grief and sudden transition due to climate change. She is currently training to serve as a Buddhist Eco-Chaplain. 

She goes where she is guided.


About Jane

Jane Gerald Carr is a practitioner of shamanic healing, a teacher, writer, and a PhD who is committed to bridging the worlds of healing and democratic engagement. She developed a model of Holistic Civic Engagement Education, which describes the essential mental, spiritual, emotional and physical competencies we must develop in order to make decisions together for the good of the whole. Much of Jane’s work is about answering the question What could we create together if we rigorously applied the principle of interconnection to the design of our communities, schooling, and institutions?

Jane has been primarily trained by Christina Pratt and Tupaq Ttito Condori, and has also studied with Sandra Ingerman and Jon Perkins. She has taught undergraduate and Masters courses in civic engagement and sustainability leadership at Portland State, and Energy Body Mastery through Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing.

Jane holds an undergraduate degree magna cum laude in history from Harvard and a Masters in bilingual education from Bank Street College. You can read more about Jane here. You can watch her TEDx talk about examining judgments to locate hidden passion here.


Testimonials about Jane’s online courses

Jane's course is a powerful demonstration of curriculum co-creation with spirit. It has a different quality from other courses I have taken because of how the information was divined and then assembled by Jane. Her background as an educator with classroom experience also shines through in how she sets the container, lectures, and sets up the group for collaborative transformation. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in developing a life navigation system for themselves. After the course wrapped, I dreamed that Jane was my scuba instructor who guided me to the depths of the ocean and then taught me to breathe under water. This was my experienced of Jane as the instructor - showing the way to new watery depths, being there as a navigation guide, and teaching me how to nourish myself in a place where I had never gone before.

Jane's mastery of using journey work to access the profound wisdom carried in our souls to guide everyday life is evident in this class. The class was a deep dive into not just how to journey but how to structure our explorations to reflect the complexity of our full beings. The tools I received in this course have already helped me build deeper confidence in navigating the uncharted waters of a new career by leveling up my decision making. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to build a more intimate relationship with their life vision.

This course was WONDERFUL. Jane expertly, compassionately, and warmly guided us through multiple clarifying journey techniques that helped me relate more clearly with Spirit. She fostered a sweet sense of community in the class and truly cared about what she was teaching. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is wanting to deepen their relationship with Spirit and live their soul's longings.

I loved the new ideas, the way that Jane creates and sustains a class that is transformative and the amazing folks in the workshop. The materials were wonderful, the suggestions incredibly helpful and Jane was such an amazing resource. This absolutely exceeded my expectations.

Jane, your structure, presentation, clarity, generosity, time keeping, and of course the teaching experiences and guidance were all so powerful and transformational. Your grounded being and the way you organized the step by step building of journeys and skills worked so well. I also loved the balance of individual and partner journeys as well as small group and full group experiences. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn these skills as well as to be journeyed for and to journey for others. That is new for me and you seamlessly led us into these experiences. Thank you.

Jane offers a powerful experience of soul-discovery and relationship to spirit that deepens and builds with each class. She holds a strong container for opening and listening to spirit's guidance - for ourselves and each other. These are teachings I will use the rest of my life.


Let us know if you have questions about the course.