
Life Navigation with the Shamanic Journey


A seven-week intermediate class to

build a trustworthy foundation for co-leading your life with Spirit


Live online

Taught in a small group of 12-15 participants


At this time, the shamanic journey can be a tool for creating things that are truly new, not based on our old assumptions of how things have to be. It allows us to navigate through life giving time and energy to what we hold dear.

Another way of saying this is that we can navigate from our values. As it turns out, doing this works really well for the helping spirits who are ready and waiting to guide us in the journey space. Telling our helping spirits what we value, and asking them how to act in greatest service of those values, is a key that opens the door to receive wisdom and clarity from our journeys. We can anchor in our values to take meaningful actions, even if we can’t yet name our soul’s purpose.

Navigating through this gateway can be empowering when we have the tools for working with Spirit as co-pilot. In this 7-week Foundations of Navigation class, we will do two complementary things: We will develop and strengthen our shamanic journey skills, and we will work with our helping spirits every week to learn how to engage with this portal in our lives.

Intermediate level course

Many students of shamanic practice take a brief introductory workshop, then do their best to dive into using the journey practice in their lives. I see a need for an intermediate class that is structured to teach the more advanced points that you can only absorb once you’re in the practice. In my own learning, it was essential to have a regular place to practice and get my questions answered. 

This class will give you an opportunity to:

  • Practice in a safe environment with an opportunity to ask questions to better understand your experience.

  • Get good at crafting potent questions (which drive the whole journey) and trust your interpretations of your internal symbolic language.

  • Meet new helping spirits who are here at this time in your life to help you with your soul’s goals now.

  • Have a strong container and a regular context in which to show up and grow in your practice (accountability works!).

  • Journey for others, which is easier and clearer, and builds your confidence while helping out another person. Plus, someone will journey for you nearly every week to help you look gently at your blindspots.

  • Learn in a small class where it’s comfortable to show up and ask your questions.

Here is what this intermediate navigation class includes:

  • Seven experiential sessions, weekly on Thursdays via Zoom. Class is two hours and includes a group call-in, a short teaching on an aspect of intermediate journey technique, a personal journey and a (suggested) partner journey with questions I have divined with spirit.

  • Priority on my healing schedule if you find you need shamanic healing during the class. 

  • Scheduling priority for 30-minute consultation calls to receive individual coaching and troubleshooting, and for 60-minute consultation calls so we can journey together if needed. Easily schedule on my site.


A story about navigation with the shamanic journey:

In a PhD program there are two formal defenses. When I was working on the first of these, the proposal defense, I forgot about my journey skills. I was taking a big risk by drawing on shamanic principles for my dissertation, and it was all I could do to just articulate my ideas without backing down. My committee passed me, but on the condition that I do a bunch of extra busywork. When I got to the dissertation stage, I remembered to engage my skills. Throughout the process, I worked with my helping spirits in journeys to determine next steps for completion, grasp the essence of my argument, and understand the dissertation as a manifestation of a vision that I was engaged with on a soul level. On a practical level, I asked about who should be on the committee, who should chair it, and when I should schedule the defense.

The guidance I received from my journeys was incredible. I was unsure who should chair the committee when my first chair stepped down. I journeyed about my options and was shown that working with one professor would be like sliding down a playground slide into depth and completion. The other professor would lead to me fixating on the intricate details of every stitch, while there was a whole quilt that needed to be pieced together. In following this guidance, I ended up with a chair who turned out to have more openness to holistic approaches than I had known, returned my chapter drafts within two days, and did nothing but smooth the process, improve my work, and open the administrative doors I needed to move through.

With my journey practice activated, I was able to take on the right kind of challenges. Instead of wasting my energy on struggle, I used it to learn, heal and create. The dissertation was a passage. My dissertation defense was one of the best days of my life. It took faith and work and sacrifice, but the path I walked was one of abundance. Spirit wants this for us. Our helping spirits want us to use our energy to express ourselves and grow. The Earth has allowed us to be part of Life, and it was never supposed to be effortless, but spirit does not want us to waste our precious energy on self-doubt and distraction.

more details about the class:

  • After each class I will send the recording and a suggested journey question or two for the week’s practice.

  • For those who are interested in meeting with a partner or small group during the week to practice journeying, we will organize that. Journeying with others in a shared container on a call can make it easier, and sometimes just the accountability support is nice.

  • There may be two sections of the class. If the Thursday at 4pm section fills, I will add a second. They will cover identical content. Register early to get your timing preference.

To sum it up, this class is for you if:

  • You feel a need to live a life you co-create with Spirit and you want to strengthen your navigation skills in order to do this. 

  • You want to create social change, and need to know what your role is at this time in manifesting your visions for the world. Or, you feel you need a space in which to consciously consider what to build your life on after the pandemic.

  • Your heart needs to be nourished by connecting to what you most treasure in this life, and by doing so in the good company of others.


Class registration is $324. You can easily pay in three monthly payments of $108 by selecting PayPal at checkout, and then selecting the option for three payments. Equity pricing is also available; please just contact me. I particularly welcome requests from Black and Indigenous participants in acknowledgement of my indebtedness to these folks and their ancestors.

Testimonials about Navigation with the Shamanic Journey from 2021 Participants

Jane's course is a powerful demonstration of curriculum co-creation with spirit. It has a different quality from other courses I have taken because of how the information was divined and then assembled by Jane. Her background as an educator with classroom experience also shines through in how she sets the container, lectures, and sets up the group for collaborative transformation. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in developing a life navigation system for themselves. After the course wrapped, I dreamed that Jane was my scuba instructor who guided me to the depths of the ocean and then taught me to breathe under water. This was my experienced of Jane as the instructor - showing the way to new watery depths, being there as a navigation guide, and teaching me how to nourish myself in a place where I had never gone before.

Jane's mastery of using journey work to access the profound wisdom carried in our souls to guide everyday life is evident in this class. The class was a deep dive into not just how to journey but how to structure our explorations to reflect the complexity of our full beings. The tools I received in this course have already helped me build deeper confidence in navigating the uncharted waters of a new career by leveling up my decision making. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to build a more intimate relationship with their life vision.

This course was WONDERFUL. Jane expertly, compassionately, and warmly guided us through multiple clarifying journey techniques that helped me relate more clearly with Spirit. She fostered a sweet sense of community in the class and truly cared about what she was teaching. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is wanting to deepen their relationship with Spirit and live their soul's longings.

I loved the new ideas, the way that Jane creates and sustains a class that is transformative and the amazing folks in the workshop. The materials were wonderful, the suggestions incredibly helpful and Jane was such an amazing resource. This absolutely exceeded my expectations.

Jane, your structure, presentation, clarity, generosity, time keeping, and of course the teaching experiences and guidance were all so powerful and transformational. Your grounded being and the way you organized the step by step building of journeys and skills worked so well. I also loved the balance of individual and partner journeys as well as small group and full group experiences. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn these skills as well as to be journeyed for and to journey for others. That is new for me and you seamlessly led us into these experiences. Thank you.

Jane offers a powerful experience of soul-discovery and relationship to spirit that deepens and builds with each class. She holds a strong container for opening and listening to spirit's guidance - for ourselves and each other. These are teachings I will use the rest of my life.


A word about values and soul’s purpose:

When we are clear on our values, we do not need to have a perfectly formed understanding of our soul’s purpose. We just need to know what we treasure, and this is pretty easy. We can access our values by reflecting on what breaks our hearts, what we judge in others, and what incenses us.

So the very first thing we will do in this class is not to meet our helping spirit but to meet our values. Then we can ask for a visionary boost from our helping spirits to see this from their perspective. They will show us where we have given up on values that seemed out of reach, or where we can’t see certain core values because we are living them in a shadowy rather than direct way.

Once we do that work at the outset, then the rest of the course is spent developing journey skills and working in the journey space to strategize with spirit to find the ways for you to build, and act, to let go and heal, to care for yourself and others, in the way that give the most beautiful life to your cherished values.

Watch a video about the support this class offers, what our human work is when engaging with helping spirits, and why I’m offering this now.


Watch here for the fuller story of using shamanic journeying to navigate through my dissertation process.

With grounding in our values, we can ask key questions of spirit about how to live our values now. We can strategize about our longer-term expression. We can find some trustworthy ground to build on post pandemic. We can bring the new world to us now by living it now, through our alignment with what we love. In claiming what lives deepest in our human hearts, we claim the more beautiful future where everyone has sacred value.