My Worldview

My worldview is based on the shamanic teachings I have been very fortunate to receive. In this worldview, all living beings have inherent value, and occupy a sacred place in this world. It is never interesting to assess whether living beings have value; that question has already been definitively decided. The interesting questions are how to honor life with our policies, how to peel away any layers that obscure each human’s sacred nature, and how to establish a society that holds space for all beings to express their full selves.

I think that all aspects of our society—our laws, schools, policies, and especially, our use of Earth’s resources—should be designed from shamanic principles.

In my experience, Nature is sentient and in my opinion, nature beings (e.g. rivers) should be the primary stakeholders in policies that impact them. If policy makers don’t know how to ask nature beings for their input, they should ask the original people who belong to that land and do whatever it takes to honor this input.

Based on my experience in education and healing, each human deserves the support needed to live an authentic life that is resourced, physically safe, and connected to community. When trauma and illness do occur, each person should have access to effective healing that allows for full reconciliation and peacemaking from the perspective of their soul.

When humans gather to heal and connect to the world of spirit, the power of their work is enhanced. Groups of humans can learn from Nature how to live in balance. I believe this is very possible for us if we choose it.